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eCRIS Roles and Responsibilities
Register as a New User.
Register a Candidate Committee or Exploratory Committee.
File Certification of Exemption from Forming a Candidate Committee.
Amend personal contact information.
Certify amendment to personal contact information by a Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer (if one has been designated).
Amend Candidate/Exploratory Committee’s registration information.
Amend Certificate of Exemption from Forming a Candidate Committee.
Designate a Deputy Treasurer (if one was not designated at the time of initial resignation).
Terminate a Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer.
Accept Treasurer’s/Deputy Treasurer’s resignation (Mst designate a new Treasurer within 10 days).
File Notice of Intent to Dissolve Exploratory Committee.
Run reports.
Register as a New User.
Register Committee.
Amend personal contact information.
Certify amendment to personal contact information by a Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer (if one has been designated).
Amend Committee’s registration information.
Designate a Deputy Treasurer (if one was not designated at the time of initial resignation.
Accept Treasurer’s/Deputy Treasurer’s resignation (Must designate a new Treasurer within 10 days).
Run reports.
Treasurer / Deputy Treasurer
Change their own password.
Amend registration information as it pertains to their “directory” information (i.e. address, phone number and email).
Submit their resignation.
Open a new Itemized Campaign Disclosure Statement for a covered period;
Enter beginning Summary Balances.
View Summary Balances.
Enter draft transactions to an open Itemized Campaign Disclosure Statement for a covered period.
Update and delete draft transactions included in the open Campaign Disclosure Statement report for a filing period by transaction types.
Reate an Amended Campaign Disclosure Report based on an already filed Campaign Disclosure Statement report for a filing period.
Amend any transaction of the Amended Campaign Disclosure Report by transaction types and transaction dates.
Setup up disclosure related application parameters such as treatment of small individual contributions, fundraising events information or committee credit cards.
Certify and file (submit) Campaign Disclosure Statement report for an open filing period.
Certify and file (submit) Amended Campaign Disclosure Statement report.
Create, update or disable Login ID of committee data entry staff.
View draft statements, filed statements and run ad hoc reports.
Data Entry
Treasurer can appoint data entry person.
Can create a Login ID.
Change their password.
Enter receipts made by a committee during a filing period.
Enter expenditures made by a committee during a filing period.
Enter and submit details about Expenses Incurred by a committee during a filing period.
Review, validate and edit any data that they have entered.
Run reports.