These CEP forms should only be filed by candidates after they have formed a candidate committee. To form a candidate committee, the candidate must file a Form 1 and Form 1A with SEEC. Those forms can be found here. If you have questions about the order in which to submit these forms please contact your Elections Officer (860-256-2985).

Welcome to the Citizens' Election Program

Qualifying Contribution Certification Forms

The Commission has prepared sample contribution certification forms which campaigns should use in order to collect all of the required contributor information. The Commission strongly recommends that treasurers use the applicable sample form for all contributors (Form A for participating General Assembly candidates, Form B for participating statewide office candidates). The Commission has also created a sample online Interface for credit card qualifying contributions as well.

The forms created by the Commission are designed to protect treasurers by providing for all of the information necessary to complete the required disclosure statements. The Commission strongly recommends that campaigns use its sample forms (or a form containing the same questions, definitions, and certifications). Failure to do so will likely result in continuances in grant application review and any committees changing the sample language issued by the Commission should therefore plan accordingly.

       Qualifying Contribution Certification Form for Candidates Participating in the Citizens' Election Program - General Assembly (Form A)
       Qualifying Contribution Certification Form for Candidates Participating in the Citizens' Election Program - Statewide (Form B)
       SAMPLE - Online Interface for Credit Card Qualifying Contributions

The Commission has also prepared sample contribution forms for committees of candidates who will NOT be participating in the Citizens’ Election Program (Form C for nonparticipating General Assembly candidates, Form D for nonparticipating statewide office candidates).

       Certification Form for General Assembly Candidates NOT Participating in the CEP (Form C)
       Certification Form for Statewide Candidates NOT Participating in the CEP (Form D)

Financial Disclosure Forms

Pursuant to General Statutes § 9-675, as amended by Public Act 2016-203, electronic filing is mandatory for all candidate committees and exploratory committees of candidates for statewide office or General Assembly that raise or spend $1,000 or more. Candidates intending to get a grant from the Citizens’ Election Program must raise over $1,000 and will therefore be required to electronically file unless formally granted a waiver for good cause. Provided below are paper versions of the required disclosure statement – please proceed to eCRIS to file electronically.

       SEEC Form 30 - Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement - Candidates for Statewide Office and General Assembly
       SEEC Form 30 - Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement - Candidates for Statewide Office and General Assembly (Fill in)
       SEEC Form 30 - Instructions
       SEEC Form 30 - Additional Pages for SEEC Form 30 - Sections (B, C1, J2, J3, K, N, O, P, Q, R)
       SEEC Form 30 - Addendum Pages for SEEC Form 30 - Sections (N, P, Q, R)